Tracking your tickets
You can keep track of tickets raised via the Tickets section at the bottom of the home page or on the tickets tab from the Menu Bar
By default, this list shows your open and pending tickets, but you can change the filter to show just the resolved and closed tickets or all of your tickets.
You can also sort your tickets based on Date Created, Last Modified, Status (default), Ascending order & Descending order
From the ticket list, click on the ticket you need to track.
This opens the detailed view for the ticket that provides information like the name of the agent / team working on it, the current status and any conversation that has happened on the ticket so far.
At the detailed view, you can post a reply, mark the ticket as closed and even add people to be notified about future activity on the ticket.
Please note that you can also update tickets by replying to e-mail notifications
If you need to view all tickets that your company has raised (from all requestors) this is possible. Please raise a ticket requesting access and we can arrange this for you.