Continuous Improvement / Feedback
Our aim is to continuously improve the service portal so it’s easy to use and you can self-help where possible. We welcome all feedback on the Portal so if you have suggestions, something doesn’t look quite right or you are simply stuck then please let us know.
Just search ‘feedback’ and then raise a ticket. We will investigate and respond to all feedback received.
In addition, we will look to send out Client Satisfaction Surveys so you can rate and comment on the level of service we have provided. This will be sent on the ticket closure e-mail so please do take the time to complete so we can collectively work towards making things better. This can also be found on the Portal when a ticket is closed should you prefer this method of communication.
Finally, if you use self help articles then please rate them accordingly. This can be found at the bottom of the Article.
In the event they were not helpful then please provide further details
Once again, this feedback will be logged, investigated and improvements made where necessary